Privacy — a word years ago that people valued.

Today people still value their privacy only it is harder to come by.

January 28, 2013 is Data Privacy Day.

Data Privacy Day is an effort to empower people to protect their privacy and control their digital footprint and escalate the protection of privacy and data as everyone’s priority.

With the recent headlines about Catfish (and not the fish you eat for dinner) as well as predators online, privacy should be a priority on every person that has a keypad or keyboard–especially those with children that surf online.

Why privacy matters?

Did you know approximately 500,000 children had their identities stolen last year?  They haven’t even applied for their own credit card yet and their credit could potentially be destroyed!

Why privacy matters?

Exposed data could potentially put your family at risk.  Protecting your own personal information is vital, because stalkers and thieves can use your information to help them harass or endanger your family members.

If you aren’t taking steps to protect your identity and your privacy, who is?  There are steps you can do yourself or you can hire a service to handle this for you.

My personal favorite is – (I am not a spokesperson for them, and I don’t get referral fees) I am a satisfied client since 2006 with their services.  There are many other online reputation and privacy companies out there, at this point, however this is the one I believe is the best.  No matter where you go – just be sure you are proactive in protecting you and your loved ones virtually.

Some tips from

Do you know what sites your children are using? Have a conversation with your kids about the types of games and services, mobile devices, apps, and other new technologies they are using.  Make sure they are old enough to use these sites and have frequent conversations about being web wise.

Do your kids STOP.THINK.CONNECT? Talk to them about privacy and owning their online presence. Help your children understand the public nature of the Internet and its risks as well as benefits. Be sure they know that any digital info they share, such as emails, photos, or videos, can easily be copied and pasted elsewhere, and is almost impossible to take back. Things that could damage their reputation, friendships, or future prospects should not be shared electronically.

So what you doing for Data Safety Day?  Check all your privacy settings – create new passwords and double check the kids!  Mark your calendar to do this regularly (check your privacy settings weekly – in my opinion).

Follow Data Privacy Day on Twitter with hashtag #DPD13.

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