Teen digital media consumption has increased 300%  over the last 20 years. The American teen now spends up to 9 hrs a day consuming media across a range of channels – SMS, social media, radio and more. To put it in perspective, your child now spends more time glued to a screen than they do sleeping!

Mobile phones are the main driving force behind the explosive growth. In fact, the typical American teen spends around 6.3 hrs a day on their smartphone. With on-demand access to so many different communication channels, digital media is fast changing the way our children learn and communicate.

One of the biggest concerns facing parents and educators is the “digital creep” occurring in the classroom. With mobile devices “almost always” within arms length, teens are plugged in and constantly multitasking.

Texting while studying.

Checking social media in the classroom.

Watching TV while doing homework.

Teens are distracted, and attention spans are shrinking.

It’s understandable 1 in 3 parents are expressing concerns about online safety, sleep deprivation, reduced physical activity and sliding grades caused by the growing pre-occupation with online media.