Protecting Your Family’s Digital Identity

National Privacy Day: Securing online safety. January 28th celebrates National Data Privacy Day; an event that recognizes the importance of Internet advocacy and data privacy. As a caring parent, nothing is more important than the safety and privacy of your child,...

Facebook Privacy Changes and Teen’s Online Security

It’s no secret that from cyberbullies to online stalkers and predators, teens face an increasing range of online threats. What can parents do to help their teens protect themselves online? Did you know: 62 percent of teenagers have witnessed taunting and other cruel...

Parents Need to Educate Teens About ID Theft

Remember the old Nigerian email scam? People received emails from an alleged Nigerian general’s widow asking for financial assistance to recover money in exchange for a handsome payout. Most people recognized it for what it was, but many fell for it. According...

Online Privacy for Young Adults

As people age, they care more and more about online security and privacy. During their 20s, many people begin distinguishing between their social personality and the image they project in their professional careers. The advent of social media has caused the line...