It’s that time of the year when people make resolutions that they usually don’t end up keeping.
Joining a gym, dieting, quit smoking, exercising more, stop swearing, visiting relatives more, unplugging more, slowing down, etc…..
I can’t help but reflect on a year when bullying and cyberbullying was constantly in our headlines.
From youth suicides (where cyberbullying are contributing factors) to workplace bullies to bullies in the NFL and a group of mothers that bashed toddlers online! (Adult bullies – people that should be role models!)
This year let’s start the year with something simple – a resolution you can keep – KINDNESS.
I recently saw a PSA from GLSEN and thought – wow, what a powerful 16-second message that can stay with you 365 days a year!
“The end of bullying begins with YOU!”
Each keystroke you type and word you speak, let it reflect YOU and let it bring kindness into people around you.
“If you have something nice to say, say it LOUD!”
Need some help?
Visit My Kindness Counts, Spark Kindness or download the free Kindr app that promotes kindness.
Bookmark Random Acts of Kindness and Upworthy pages for their videos and updates – they can inspire you!
Order Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral for your tween or teen today! It is a must-have to help them become an upstander as well as if they encounter cyberbullies.
Be a friend, pass this on – it is time we make kindness go viral!
Happy 2014! Remember, keystrokes matter!