3 C’s of Digital Civility Online

Never doubt, our keyboards can be used as a tool or a weapon. It’s completely up to the user. I often hear, parents especially, that like to blame the apps or social platforms for cyberbullying, however we have to keep in mind that it’s human behavior that is using a keypad to inflict cruel content.
We can use our keystrokes 4-ways:
- Help
- Hurt
- Heal
- Harm
It improve our online behavior, it starts with civility.
3 C’s of Responsibility Online Behavior
1. Conduct
Self-awareness: Before you use your device or keyboard, check-in with yourself. How are you feeling? Are you happy, sad, emotional?
Anger is temporary, online is forever.
Think twice, post once.
2. Content
Is what you’re about to post going to embarrass you or humiliate someone else? You don’t want to wake up a day, month or year(s) later to a tweet regret or post remorse moment that could cost you a job or relationship.
What goes online, stays online. There’s no rewind online.
3. Caring
It should be natural to care about others, however it’s just as important to care enough about yourself to know when you should click-out. Are you about to leave a snarky comment? Send an emoji that may not translate well to others?
When in doubt, click-out. You will survive by taking time offline.
Read more about how to share smarter online and ways to stop online hate.