Entitlement issue generation. That is what it seems we are dealing with today.
I am confident it isn’t every teenager, however I speak with many parents and hear a familiar story of a child that is raised with the gifts of their parents and sometimes grandparents extensive generosity.
Many families live by the philosophy that they want to give their children more than they had growing up, but do they understand the limits?
I don’t begrudge any parent from wanting to give their child a better life, but let’s not forget to give them the foundation that many of us were brought up with — respect your elders.
If there is only one common thread I hear from parents today it is the lack of respect that teens show to their parents – and sometimes it extends into their school. Where does this behavior stem from?
Recently the headlines were splashed with the Rachel Canning case. If you didn’t hear about it, this teenager believes that her parents “owe her” a college education (or at least the financial support of it), as well as other financial support.
This comes after she decides she can’t live by her parent’s house rules, and decides to leave the home and live with a friend.
Like many family rules, it seems the Canning’s had curfews that Rachel didn’t agree with and she also had problems in her private school that caused her to be suspended a couple of times.
Like many of these spoiled teens, Rachel appears to be a very intelligent, attractive, even athletic (cheerleader) teenager — however wants things when and how she wants them.
Thankfully the judge made a very strong ruling in part saying;
“Do we want to establish a precedent where parents live in basic fear of establishing rules of the house?”
Any other statement would have empowered teens across the country to take over households.
Her beef starts with college fund money. What children don’t understand is that we, as parents, are not obligated to start college funds – it is a privilege if we not only start one – but if we are able to afford one for them.
When a child turns 18 and they treat others they way Rachel Canning is treating her family, why should she have the privilege of any of her parent’s money?
It is time to wake-up to the real world.
In today’s world it starts digitally and Rachel is not doing a very good job of it. Your online reputation is your first impression that many people will see even before they physically meet you. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
So far the media and the backlash of this lawsuit is definitely not in her favor – strike one.
Recently I read a blog post on ThirdParent that she created a Facebook page to gain supporters for her cause.
This was the most chilling post I saw on there – and I have to admit – she should remove this page — immediately!
Some future employer will look at this and say. “If she doesn’t like her work hours, she will sue us” thus, you have screwed yourself out of a job.
Remember parents – we have an obligation to raise our teens with a solid foundation of good morals, integrity, respect and responsibility – with that comes accountability. None of which costs money.
With a solid understanding of that they will earn a good living and have a bright future – and I would venture be able to buy all those gadgets they want. It doesn’t mean we can’t give them things they earn or their birthday gifts, but let’s reflect back on what gifts we learned and received from our previous generations. They were priceless.
Thanks grandma and grandpa! Silent role-models that led by example.